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pdf PE Curriculum Statement 2022-2023 | Download |
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At Ecton Village Primary Academy we are proud to have our PE curriculum delivered by a full time member of staff, Mr Dickens. As a qualified coach and a semi-professional footballer, Mr Dickens is passionate about sport and the importance of PE in schools. All children, from pre-school to year 6 have one dedicated PE session each week. On these days, we ask that children in KS1 and KS2 wear their PE kit to school as this ensures that the maximum amount of time can be dedicated to enjoying the lesson, rather than changing clothes!
We also offer a range of lunch time and after school sporting activities – again organised by Mr Dickens. These activities are open to all of our children and change depending on the season.
We regularly participate in inter–school sporting competitions, which are managed by The Hatton Academies Trust. These range from Netball to Cross Country and are for Years 1 to 6 and involve children of all abilities. Such competitions reinforce our school values of co-operation and resilience and give children the opportunity to enjoy a range of sporting activities in settings other than our own.’
In September 2018 we were awarded The School Games Gold Mark. The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. We were externally moderated by the body that award the School Games Mark. They were really impressed by our thorough use of tracking and detailed log of evidence that clearly shows how we promote physical activity in our setting. This demonstrates how we strive to give every child a broad and balanced curriculum and a range of within and beyond school opportunities. We are now working towards the Platinum Award!